On Sat. 4th June, the RMFA and representatives of Kerry County Council will officially dedicate the memorial which was erected by Tralee Town Council near Ballymullen Barracks. The memorial is in memory of those from Tralee town who died in the First World War while serving with the RMF and other military units, including those of Australia, New Zealand and Canada.
Two panels are being erected at the memorial containing the names of those who were killed.
This will be an open event and all are invited to attend the ceremony which will take place at 3.00pm.
Category Archives: Memorials and Commemorations
Charles Fort Memorial
On the 8th May on the 101st anniversary of the Last Absolution of the Munsters at Rue de Bois, the OPW and the Royal Munster Fusiliers Association unveiled at Charles Fort Kinsale, a new memorial plinth to the memory of the Munsters who had served there. Members of the association along with staff of Charles Fort, the OPW, The Great War Society, representatives from the disbanded Irish Regimental Associations and invited guests were present at the unveiling. The monument was unveiled by Ollie Griffin, President of the RMFA.
- Evelyn Coleman of Charles Fort giving the opening speech
- Colin Quigley of the Great War Society
- John Duggan and Martin Foley with the RMF Association Colours and the Colours of the RMF Old Comrades Association
- Denis Kirby who attended as the representative of the Leinster Regiment
- Martin Foley, Liam Nolan, Ollie Griffin and John Duggan RMFA
- Members of the RMFA and the Great War Society
- Members of the RMFA and Great War Society
- Brian Kenny, Eugene Power and Colin Quigley of the Great War Society
- Dr Hedley Malloch of the RMF Association with the Great War Society
- Dr Hedley Malloch with his wife and Brian Kenny GWS
- The memorial to the Royal Munster Fusiliers
- The Great War Society
- Adrian Foley of the RMF Association
- Adrian Foley and Martin Foley RMF Association
Tour of the Western Front - 2016
As in previous years, Mike McLoughlin of Limerick will be running a guided tour of locations of the Western Front. As usual, places will be limited and those wishing to join Mike’s tour can contact him for all of the details at the following address
Mike McLoughlin
Old Cratloe Road
2016 WWI Historical Tour to Flanders
Guided tour of war memorials and battlefields by a professional historian
Dates: May 8th to 12th incl.
Duration: Five days (4 nights)
Accommodation: Four nights at Messines Peace Village
Food: Breakfast each morning, packed lunch each day and three evening meals
Flights: Aer Lingus Cork/ Paris (CDG)/Cork
Bus transfers: Paris Airport/Messines/Paris Airport plus daily excursions
Cost: 610.00€pp. Deposit 200€ required by Feb 2nd
Some of the proposed sites for tour
· Kemmel Information Centre – Battle of Messines 1917 & Bayernwald German trenches
· Walking tour of Messines: Peace Park, Messines Historical Museum (Old Town Hall), St. Nicolas Church and New Zealand Memorial and cemetery
· Museum of the Battle of Fromelles & Australian Memorial Park
· Weather permitting walking tour of the Ypres Salient (specific walk to be confirmed)
· Tyne Cot British Military Cemetery
· Passchendaele Memorial Museum
· German Cemeteries: Langemarck and Vladslo
· Francis Ledwidge Memorial at Bosinghe
· Menin Gate, Ypres for Last Post ceremony
· In Flanders Museum, Ypres
If interested a copy of the tour application form can be got from
Mike McLoughlin
Ph. (M) 087 7594 940
Email: [email protected]
News Update.
Hello all,
As there are many items of news, i will cover them all here in one update.
1.Journal 2015.
By now, most if not all of you will have received your copy of the 2015 Bengal Tiger Journal. Hopefully there is something in there to interest everyone. The main item is the final section of the insignia worn by RMF Officers by RMF Assocaiation member John Mulcahy. John has been a regular contributor to the journal and has a vast knowledge of RMF insignia. Please feel free to contact the secretary if any of you would like to include any RMF related articles for inclusion in the 2016 journal. It is hoped to have it on your doorsteps by the end of March 2016.
2. Christmas Cards.
This year the Association has designed and printed a limited amount of Christmas Cards. These are a postcard type card with the Last Absolution of the Munsters at Rue de Bois on the front. These will be made available to all RMF members and friends and will be sold on a first come basis. The price of the postcard will be €2.00 each plus p+p, 3 postcards €5.00 plus p+p or 10 postcards for €15.00 plus p+p.Please contact the secretary for details of postal rates.
3. Remembrance Ceremonies.
As usual, there will be Remembrance Ceremonies held at various locations throughout Ireland on the Sunday closest to November 11th. The RMF Association will parade it’s OCA Colours at the Cork Ceremony at the memorial on South Mall and the Association also has had an invite to parade it’s Colours at the Remembrance Ceremony in Limerick City. Please do try and attend these ceremonies .
4. Tralee Memorial.
For those who haven’t already heard or haven’t seen it, Kerry County Council has erected a beautiful memorial in Tralee in the vicinity of The Munster Bar in memory of all of Munster Fusiliers who fought in the Great War of 1914-1918.
5. Great War Memorial in the medieval city of Kilkenny, Ireland.
The following letter was received by the secretary from the Kilkenny War Memorial.
Plans for a Great War Memorial in Kilkenny were officially unveiled in June 2014 at a special dinner held in Kilkenny Castle. It was attended by former President of Ireland Mary McAleese, who was celebrating her birthday. During her time as President, Mrs. McAleese made a very important contribution in smoothing the path towards State recognition of nearly 50,000 Irishmen and women who fell in the Great War. Her visit to Gallipoli in March 2010 was the first recognition, by the State, of Irishmen who fought and died in Turkey.A group of local men and women formed the Kilkenny Great War Memorial Committee in 2011. The committee, chaired by Donal Croghan, has worked extraordinarily hard to find a suitable site in the city and begin the task of raising €100,000 at a time of great economic difficulties in the country. Its efforts were rewarded with the announcement that the memorial will be erected in the grounds of St. Mary’s Church, St. Mary’s Lane, off High Street in the centre of the city. The church and graveyard are of huge national heritage significance and are protected under heritage legislation. The last parish service was celebrated in the church in 1951 and the church was deconsecrated some time later. Kilkenny Borough Council purchased the church and graveyard from the Church of Ireland in 2009 and there is no more fitting place in Kilkenny to commemorate those men and women who made the ultimate sacrifice while serving in the forces of many countries in the interest of European and World peace. The development of St. Mary’s Church by the Irish Heritage Council and Kilkenny Borough Council and the inclusion of a Great War Memorial will contribute to the broader interests of tourists to the history of the city and county. In early November 1914 the committee organised a parade re-enacting the march taken by Kilkenny soldiers en route to service in the Great War. It began at the Parade, Kilkenny Castle and proceeded via the Military Barracks to the local McDonagh Railway Station. The parade was lead, as it was in 1915, by St. Patricks Brass and Reed Band. The event featured re-enactors dressed in khaki uniforms of the Great War, military vehicles, a colour party from the Irish Army and the Mayor of Kilkenny. This stunning Great War Commemoration was supported by a large crowd of marchers, causing traffic disruption in the city. The official fund-raising event, The Kilkenny Great War Memorial Exhibition, opened at the Parade on Saturday 8th August 2015 and continued until Sunday 9th August. The committee displayed 2,259 small white crosses on the Parade Lawn outside Kilkenny Castle. Each cross was dedicated to the memory of a person from Kilkenny, who served and survived the Great War. A further 870 small black crosses were displayed to represent those who fell in the war, making it a total of 3129 crosses. Committee member John Joe Cullen said, ‘The men and women who are represented on these crosses are our flesh and blood. They lived and loved like us, having brothers and sisters, mothers and fathers. Their families had to endure their loss, and our history dictated that they could not be mourned in public for fear of reprisals.’Wreaths were laid by dignitaries, including Kilkenny County Council Cathaoirleach, Mary Hilda Kavanagh. Ms Kavanagh said, ‘Many of those who did return home came back to their families with serious injuries, sometimes physical, sometimes psychological, sometimes both. Many found it difficult to talk about their experiences and in some respects, their stories did not fit the narrative of the new Ireland emerging in the aftermath of the Great War. This must have added to their pain and trauma and to the hurt of those who had been bereaved on the killing fields of Europe, North Africa and Asia.’ The Kilkenny Great War Memorial Committee is faced with the gigantic task of raising €100,000 to cover all the costs associated with the erection of the memorial. I am appealing to all institutions, associations, commercial companies and the general public to contribute generously to this most important project. A great deal of water has passed under St. John’s Bridge since 1918, so please let us not prolong any longer the shame of neglecting our Kilkenny Great War dead.
Bank details:
Bank of Ireland, Parliament Street, Kilkenny. Sort Code: 90-60-64, A/C No: 22546979, IBAN: IE29BOFII 9060 64 225469 79. To donate via PayPal see website: www.kilkennygreatwarmemorial.com
This article was written by Ken Kinsella, a member of the Royal Dublin Fusiliers Association and author of the book, ‘Out of the Dark 2014-2018’, a military, family and social history of officers and men from South County Dublin, who fell in the Great War.
6. Evening of Remembrance - Cork Branch Western Front Association.
The Annual Evening of Remembrance which is hosted by our friends at the Cork Branch of The Western Front Association will take place this year on November 6th at St Finbarre’s Cathedral in Cork City at 8pm. The show will feature stories, poems and Music connected to the Great War and will feature The Cork Barrack Street Band, Soprano Niamh O’Sullivan, Pipers from Youghal Pipe Band and singers from Regina Mundi Girls College. Tickets can be purchased at Liam Russell’s Book Shop in Cork or at the Door on the evening. Price of tickets is €10.
7. Centenary commemorations, Cheltenham College
The following invite was sent to the association from Cheltenham College Archivist, Gabrielle Sedita.
8. The members of the RMF Association would also like to ask our members to remember our past President, Mr John Whittaker at this time of Remembrance.
Charles Fort WW1 Exhibition
On Thursday 3rd September members of the RMF Association and the Great War Society attended Charles Fort World Heritage Site for a presentation by Karen Healy on the WW1 exhibition in the Fort. Karen has done a lot of research into the men of Kinsale and it’s locality who served in the Fort and especially those of the Royal Munster Fusiliers and the Connaught Rangers who left and never returned from the Western Front
- Ollie Griffin, Eugene Power and Adrian Foley of the RMF Association
- The former Officer’s Mess which now houses some very rare RMF uniforms
Gallipoli Remembrance - Limerick
Flowers were placed at the war memorial in Limerick by Ger Canning of Limerick to remember 2076 L/Cpl Michael Canning 7th RMF and 204 Pte Thomas Noonan of ‘B’ Comapny 13th Bn A.I.F. Both men died at Gallipoli on 9th of August 1915.
‘We will remember them’
Memorial to the Irish Infantry Regiments
Memorial to the Irish Infantry Regiments
National Memorial Arboretum, Staffordshire, England
As part of the above memorial, it is proposed to set out a paved map of Ireland, surrounded by a grove of trees.
The paved map will be marked with the Regimental Depot of each of the Irish Infantry Regiments [ Tralee, in the case of the Munsters] . The depot locations will be illustrated by a stone plaque engraved with the Regiment’s badge or crest.
The project will cost in the region of £St 80,000 to realise and it is hoped that it can be completed by the summer of 2016.
To date, almost £St16,000 has been raised but an appeal is now being made to all the Regimental Associations and their members for contributions to the completion of this project.
The Royal Munster Fusiliers Association Committee has agreed to make a donation to the project and any member who wishes to make an individual donation should send it to our Treasurer,
Mr. Joe McNulty
1 College View Drive,
Shannon Banks,
Suvla 100 Anniversary
To mark the 100th Anniversary of the landing of the 6th & 7th Munsters at Suvla Bay on the 6th & 7th of August 1915 the President of the RMF association Mr Ollie Griffin laid a floral tribute at the War Memorial in Cork. Ollie’s father had been one of the Munsters who took part in the beach landing 100 years ago.
- Ollie Griffin, President of the RMF Association
- The tribute placed on the Memorial to mark the centenary of the Suvla Bay landing
Also to mark the centenary, Ronan McGreevy of the Irish Times has been in contact to say he has edited a version of ‘Twas Better to Die - The Irish Times and Gallipoli 1915-2015. This is now available on ebook and Kindle at
Ronan has published many items in the Irish Times relating to the Munsters and was also present at Rue de Bois for the centenary in May of this year.
‘Long Way to Tipperary’
The following website may be of interest to members of the RMFA. The Project is based on the Armstrong Papers and follows the lives of a single family throughout the Great War to illustrate the social, physical and emotional impact of the conflict at an individual level. It is based on the diaries etc. of the Armstrong Family of Moyaliffe, Castle, Co. Tipperary.
This project has been created by the Special Collections Dept. of the Glucksman Library, University of Limerick.