On Sunday August 10th a commemoration took place in Ballyorgan Co. Limerick to honour the five local men who lost their lives in wartime, one of those being L/Cpl David Best of The 8th Battalion Royal Munster Fusiliers. who died on the 4th May 1916. A stone was unveiled in their memory at Kilflynn Church. Representatives from the Royal British Legion, the Irish Guards Association (ROI), the Royal Air Force Association, Chairman Liam Nolan and Secretary Colette Collins of The Royal Munster Fusiliers Association and the Irish Great War Society took part in the commemoration.
Category Archives: News & Events
Upcoming Events - WW1 Centenary
Due to the centenary of the First World War, various events will be taking place in various location throughout the Munster region in August and September. Below is a list of the confirmed dates for those who are interested in attending them.
Honourary Life Membership
At the last AGM it was proposed and agreed by the members that one of our original members, Mr. Oliver Griffin would be bestowed with Honourary Life Membership of The Royal Munster Fusiliers Association. Ollie was one of the founding members of the association back in 1992 and has always been an active member. Ollie, who is now the President of The RMFA was thrilled to accept the honour and was presented with his Honourary Life Members Certificate from The RMFA Chairman, Mr. Liam Nolan today today in Mallow.
- Ollie being presented with his cert
- RMFA Committee Members
Killorglin WW1 dead remembered
On Monday 4th of August t2014 exactly 100 years on from the start of WW1 the people of Killorglin Co, Kerry came out in force to remember those men from the area who had fought in the conflict. Many of those who went never came home and those who returned lived with their scars for the rest of their lives. Mr Stephen Thompson of The Killorglin Archive Society was instrumental in the gathering of the names of all of these men and great credit must go to him and his colleagues for the unveiling of the plaque.
- Killorglin Men’s Shed Choir conducted by Myles O’Brien
- Piper Ger Baynham at the unveiling
- John O’Connor (Chairman Killorglin Archive Society)
- Stephen Thompson
- Pa Rochfort and Finola Cronin unveiling the plaque
- Pa Rochfort and Finola Cronin unveiling the plaque
- Canon Micheal Fleming (son of veteran)
- Gearoid O’Sullivan (uncle KIA)
- Stephen Thompson reciting the names.
- James Galvin (nephew of veteran) reciting the names
- Ollie Griffin - President RMFA
- A minute’s silence - Lest We Forget.
- Stephen Thompson raising the National Flag
- Descendants of the men who fought.
- Mr Ollie Griffin & Mr Adrian Foley of the RMFA
- The Killorglin Men’s Shed Choir
- Photo by Michael Kenny
- Photo by Michael Kenny
- At the going down of the sun and in the morning , We will remember them.
Members Meeting - August 9th Mallow, Co. Cork
The RMFA will hold it’s quarterly meeting at The Hibernian Hotel, Mallow, Co. Cork at 1300hrs on Aust 9th. All members are invited to attend. Items discussed will be upcoming events for The WW1 Centenary and other items.
Aughrim Remembered - Summer School
The Aughrim Remembered Sumer School will take place this weekend in Aughrim near Ballinasloe, Co. Galway.
The theme for this year’s Summer school is ‘From the Battle of Aughrim to World War 1’
Below is a colour programme of events.
Etreux - 100
The 27th of August 2014 will mark the 100th Anniversary of The Rearguard Action at Etreux in which the 2nd Battalion of The RMF were surrounded by a much larger German Army. Many men of the battalion lost their lives that day and many more were captured and were to spend the next 4 years as Prisoners of War. Mike McLoughlin who is one of our members will lead a Battlefield Tour and will be present in Etreux and many more from The RMFA will attend in a private capacity. There will be some of our members travelling from as far away as Canada to be there. Throughout the day, Professor Hedley Malloch, Ph.D. who lives and teaches in the area and is also a member of both The RMFA and The WFA has organised a number of events. The time table is listed here for those of you who may be interested in attending the various ceremonies.
Etreux time table 2014
1st Battalion RMF South Africa Pin - Ebay
The History of Ballymullen Barracks by Robert Tangney.
Over the last few months Tralee historian Robert Tangney has been preparing to publish his book on the history of Ballymullen Barracks. Our previous Secretary Jean Prendergast was one of those who has given Robert some invaluable help with information and photographs. Robert will be launching his book on Tuesday June 24th at Tralee County Library at 7pm. All are welcome to attend and the book will be on sale priced €15 with an optional extra of €3 for a map of Ballymullen dated 1912.
My Kingdom by Mike Donoghue.
Many months ago one of our members in Canada contacted me about a book which he was in the process of writing. The book was based on the life of his Grandfather who served with the Munsters in both India and The Great War. Mike’s book is now complete and has been published. I have read the book and i can assure you that it is well worth buying. The book is listed on Amazon and can be found under Michael F. Donoghue or by clicking on the link below.